• info@dealsonnpa.com
  • +91 98456 04899
  • 080 41717999

Who We Are?

We operate with a deep understanding of the challenges faced by financial institutes in loan recovery. We recognize that recovering outstanding loans is a complex and time-consuming process that requires a systematic approach, legal knowledge and effective communication strategies. Therefore, we have developed a range of specialized services tailored to meet the specific needs and goals of our banking clients.

We do o􀀡er services for the ceasing of non-moveable assets which is a valuable addition to your banking services. Ceasing or securitization, is a process where nonmoveable assets are used as collateral to secure loans or other financial transactions. It can provide our banking clients with additional liquidity and risk management options.

When providing ceasing services for non-moveable assets, it's important to ensure proper evaluation and documentation of the asset’s value, legal compliance and risk assessment. This will help your banking clients make informed decisions and mitigate potential risks.

Our Mission

At Deals on NPA, our mission is to support fnancial institutes in their loan recovery efforts by providing efficient, effective and ethical solutions. We aim to maximize recovery rates, minimize financial losses and contribute to the overall financial stability of our banking clients.

If you are a financial institutes seeking reliable loan recovery services, we invite you to partner with us. Together, we can navigate the challenges of loan recovery and achieve favorable outcomes. Contact us today to discuss how we can assist you in recovering outstanding loans and protecting your financial interests.

Our Services

Blacklisting with RTO Authority
Vehicle Tracing
Transfer to a Secure Yard
Maintain Inventory Database
Provide Vehicle Valuation Report
Negotiate with Borrowers
Auction on Own Platform